
Friday, September 17, 2010

Day Eight and counting

Yesterday, the first week's anniversary of this wellness blog series, I treated myself to some new clothes. Nothing special you might think, but ... I drove myself to the shops! I hadn't been able to drive for at least six months, and felt overjoyed, scared, happy, apprehensive, excited, worried, but most of exhilarated to be able to driving again.
I even told the assistant about my big event. She couldn't believe that I hadn't been able to drive for so long. Until I told her that before that I hadn't been able to drive for over eight years.
She assured me that if I had any difficulty in driving home again (always the biggest worry) to make sure to let her know, and they'll help me out somehow.

I have a car which is adapted with hand control, and with a hoist in the back to bring my mobility scooter along. Being able to drive opens many doors to independence again. Just to know that I can use the car is enough to make one feel less trapped. The same as with my mobility scooter, which gets me to the local shops or to the river.

I must say that I was relieved that I made it home safe and sound, and didn't mind that I was very tired for the rest of the day. Today my arms feel like they are filled with lead, a lovely reminder of my escape!

1 comment:

  1. that's brilliant news corina! hope you got yourself some fancy threads to show for all the effort. XXOO


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