
Sunday, December 22, 2013

Happy Christmas

.. from me and the neighbourhood cats.
Robert, (in the sleigh) you probably know by now, the others are his friends Buttons and Pip (with hat), at least they think they are Robert's friends. They are frequently to be seen in my house, eating, and playing with the cat-nip toys, and if they get a chance, they make themselves comfortable for a nap!

Anyway, I would like to thank you for being a reader of my blog, for having your friendship and support.
Wishing you all that is good for the year ahead.

ps. As I no longer have a Facebook or Twitter account (find it all too confusing...) but you think this Blog deserves to make a presence there, please feel free to link it on your page. Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas yourself, Corina, and to all your loved ones, human or feline!


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