
Monday, September 13, 2010

Day four - All I desire

Saturday night I was listening to the RTE radio Poetry programme... In true fashion I have forgotten the name of the poet that was featured. What I do remember is that this American poet sold his house and pretty much all of his belongings in search of the 'Poetry Life'. A life where he and his wife are fully immersed into poetry; the writing of it, and the publishing of it. They lived in an army tent on a small island and set up a printing press there.
They have all they need. Poetry. A quiet life. A life in nature. Not materialistic. Not so much money, but happy.

I can identify with that. I have all I need. I have all I desire. I live that quiet life. Within this, I would like to focus more on my writing, and creativity.

I wrote, and worked on the 'Family Tree' project after the program was finished.
My handmade family tree book (to be).
and the page about my Great Grand Mother
(fabric, threat and text)


  1. love this book corina - just gorgeous.

  2. Thanks "KP" I enjoy working on it. The book is made out of a roll of canvas for painting. I tore a strip of it.
    More pages to follow!


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