
Saturday, September 18, 2010

Day Nine, Autumn's gifts

I have decided that I love Autumn. I probably already knew this, but with views like these (just opposite my house), it has once again been confirmed! The morning fog lingers over the river. Only over the river!
One day last year I had the fortune to see the long shadows over the plowed field, with again that mystical fog!

Also I have come to the conclusion, that autumn and winter are much better times for me to work on my writing and arty projects- which make me happy. In the summer I am outside - a lot- (and probably do way to much in the garden). The garden, is a pretty happy place to be as well, just more physically demanding. Now September is here and I can hear the school bell every few hours, I am settling into my work again.
Loving it!


  1. nice post, I tend to forget what these seasons are like in the northern hemisphere!

  2. Thanks!
    Same here. Everytine I read something about spring at this time of the year, my brain has to do a little 'reality check'.
    Spring's good too! Enjoy.


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