
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Hatched poems- "Re-Hatched"

Yesterday I had the fortune to spend an hour in the company of the children at Liosmor Mochuda National school. A date that was planned during my last visit there, just before the Easter Holidays, when I talked about my latest book, and the making of handmade books.

Lucky me!

The background to yesterday's visit.
In 2004 I had an exhibition in Lismore Library (and later at Tramore library) and as part of this there we a selection of mounted poems on show. This was the first time my writing made it into the world outside.
There were approximately 35 poems. Some of these eventually made it, although slightly edited, into my first book Hatched (see above "books"tab).
These mounted poems were lingering in my house for years. I never had the courage to throw them away.

Before my last visit to the school I thought: maybe the poems can be re-hatched with illustrations by the children. This way they get a new lease of life. "The children get to work with literature," as their teacher Ms Mary England said, "without them knowing it."

I explained about the poems, read some out and asked which image would come to mind. Lots of suggestions were offered.
Each child was given one poem and if it was too difficult a poem to understand, or to create an image for, they were given another one.
Ms England and myself walked around the classroom and encouraged the children with their creations.
I walked around with goosebumps all over my body when viewing some of the work being produced. Some turned out funny, clever, heart warming, beautiful, and amazing.

I will photograph them all and make a little booklet out of them and we have a very good chance to have them exhibited at the library again.

I felt honoured to be working with the children. It was worth every available inch of energy!

Thank you all!!

This image is by Graham, he started with drawing the egg on the top left
 and made his way around the page to have the bird hatch. 
After seeing the colourful bird peeping it's head out on the bottom left, 
I said I would be very happy to be this bird. Happy and colourful.
The bird is a cross between an eagle and a peacock. 
What more can I say!

As always it is so nice to know I have your company! 
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