
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A thought ...

is an easier
place to be 
than in the state 
of hope

(of recovery)

ps... As always it is lovely to know that you stopped by to read my musing and follow my creative adventures. It would make my day if you leave a comment... preferably here, on the blog...?
Many thanks & Lots of love


  1. acceptance is passive, hope active, I think. we need a little energy to hope, it seems to me.

  2. Interesting Adam, Passive versus Active... True I'd say.
    Acceptence finds more of a place in the "now" and hope is one in the future...
    The now is at times, or maybe always the only place we can really be...

    Looks like the thought requires more thought! :-)

  3. This is beautiful and so true. But don't you think that acceptance can be sometimes hard. Sometimes i really want something to seap in me (badly want to accept it) but just can't do it. Does it happen to you as well?

  4. Acceptance is the hardnest thing, but everytime I come to that point, I seems to be able to move on from whatever was keeping me stuck.
    I fight it like the best!
    I am learning more and more to be in the "now" (see some ealier post about that- probably under the 'tag' musings) In the now there is no need to worry, or to accept, or to hope. It just is.
    If that makes sense....


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