
Friday, January 24, 2014

Rose hip, rain, and wonder

water droplets on a rose hip © Corina Duyn 2013

It is raining today. Pretty much all day. But look at the beauty it gave us. 
Water droplets hanging under the rose hip in my front garden. Click on the image, enlarge it. See the reflection of the branches in the droplets. So delicate. So beautiful.
(well at least I think so, but then, you probably already got that idea!) 
When the birds land on it, the water shakes off, within a few minutes, the wonder repeats itself. Who needs sunshine on a day like this?

I am about to start an online mindfulness course next week, provided by Vidyamala Burch, who's work I have been following for years. The Bodyscan meditation CD has been my companion for maybe a decade (?), and her book "Living well with pain and illness', a clear, no nonsense book, full of great wisdom we can all use (ill, in pain, or not) for the past year. I am excited to get started. 
One thing I don't have to learn anymore... looking with great attention at the world around me, the natural world in my case has all my attention!

One more thing, remember Anastasia? who created that amazing book called Dear Stranger.  
In short, this is is a book written to a 'dear stranger', about living with ME during her teenage years. She published it last year by letterpress. Each letter put in by hand. The illustrations are woodcut prints. The books are to be handed from person to person and she has now reached the finishing line, but needs a little help. Please take the time to visit her website, and see how you might be able to help. I have one of the first 20 bound copies. It is precious. Very precious.
I am SO proud of this young woman.
(If you like, please see here for the first time I wrote about Anastasia, and here with an update.)

Now, on that note, I better let you go about your own day, but thanks for stopping by
Best wishes

ps. As I no longer have a Facebook or Twitter account (find it all too confusing...) but you think this Blog deserves to make a presence there, please feel free to link it on your page. Thank you!

Friday, January 3, 2014

M.E. on American t.v.

Remember my blog about the Story of M.E. in words, art and film
Well just now I received an update from Jennifer Brea and her documentary 'Canary in a coalmine'.. 
see links to video clips below...
Well done Jennifer

Jennifer Brea
Jennifer wrote: The M.E./Canary in a Coal Mine segment on Al Jazeera's America Tonight is now live online. It's an incredibly empathic piece and perhaps one of the first times in U.S. cable network history the word "Myalgic Encephalomyelitis" has been mentioned on air – the first of many!" 
Watch PART 1 and PART 2

from: Kickstarter Project Update #24: Al Jazeera interview now live online
ps. As I no longer have a Facebook or Twitter account (find it all too confusing...) but you think this Blog deserves to make a presence there, please feel free to link it on your page. Thank you!