
Monday, April 3, 2017


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Anastasia Palmer - Dear Stranger

page from Into the Light by Corina Duyn, with tapestry image and quote about acceptance
page from Into the Light 

Acceptance of symptoms,
of limitations, of new realities
With all it's ups and downs, as acceptance is never a one off event
has probably the most impact
on well being during illness.

I find that when I accept whatever is happening, I can let it be, and find an ease I do not experience when I keep 'fighting'.

This does not mean that I give in to illness.
It means I finds ways to live with it.
Release its hold on my life.

In a strange way, it gives peace.
I can get on with all that is good in my life.

reflection from  Into the Light :

Being able to name your illness 
adjusts its hold on your life

Your symptoms are real 
you are not alone


Acceptance of your new reality 
is an ever-changing 
ever-challenging entity 


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With every best wish