
Tuesday, May 9, 2017


Inspiration: The act of drawing in the breath
Inspiration: A good idea

This post is in honour of all those who have been and still are working Very Hard to get the Millions Missing Protest organised for Thursday.

You are ALL
Every single one of you
page from Into the Light by Corina Duyn

You are organising this event
from your beds, couches, and homes.
Through pain and exhaustion.

With sheer determination.
All through Social media 

I am So PROUD of you all.

As Inspiration also means: the act of drawing in the breath

Please take a breather today.
Rest up.
As much as you can.

Take every breath consciously. 
To be ready for the Real Battle on Thursday.

Be well!!

1 comment:

  1. Just what I need, lovely sentiment ...Will make time to draw breath tom ❤✌


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