
Saturday, November 4, 2017

'Reflection' puppets are ready to face the world

two puppets identically dressed sitting side by side by a window. Reflection puppet project by Corina Duyn
"Suddenly" my 'Reflection' Girls are done
(apart from attaching their strings to the crosses)
     naked puppet bodies. Reflection puppet project in the making by Corina Duyn
They went from this about 6 months ago
(one head made 4 years ago)...
partly painted heads and hands for Reflection puppet project in the making by Corina Duyn
to this...
partially dressed puppets for the Reflection puppet project in the making by Corina Duyn
to this...
partially dressed puppets for the Reflection puppet project in the making by Corina Duyn
to this...

Two identical puppets sitting in a plastic basket, waiting for their clothing to be made partially dressed puppets for the Reflection puppet project in the making by Corina Duyn
becoming impatient...
At every step in the making, painting, and dressing up, they took on more of their personalities.
They talk... or so it seems...

According to Christine Fenton, the girls are discussing travelling to the the screening of 
Unrest in Dublin. 
A film about the realities of life with ME
Screening at Trinity in Dublin 9th November
and also at the Cork Film Festival 19th November
and as far as I know it will also be screened in Galway. 

Unrest Showing in Dublin and at Cork Film Festival (words by Christine Fenton)

Further reading and links

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