My art? Well, where to start!?
Making my first rag doll at the age of 10, I became more and more intersted in the exciting art of making dolls. Many, many years later, after a career in nursing and social care work, and a move to Ireland, I became known for my Artist Dolls under the name of Fantasy Folk.
For some samples of this work see "My Art" button
In 1998 my health deteriorated rapidly and I became unable to work on my Fantasy Folk figures. But my creative mind did not stop. I started to make drawings and later paintings, about my new excistence. (living with the condition M.E.) I learned that I could be 'free' on paper, and could express my deepest thoughts and desires.
(see "My Art" button above)
The drawing of an egg, brought me to the realisation that I was granted a chance of a new life... These drawings, and all that followed were the inspiration of my book Hatched.
Having gained some energy, stamina and coordination again, my greatest love is sculpting! I just love the feel of the clay. One of the pieces I made a few years ago - Naked Truth is a piece about the reality of being dependent on 'wheels' to get around. A very personal piece, stripped down to bare reality.
And of course there is photography... I can not help but take pictures of tiny buds on flowers, birds in my garden, and the odd picture of my cat Robert. But not all are for fun, I have used some of the images in my recent books Cirrus Chronicles- Landing in Ballynelligan, and Flying on Little Wings
I actually really enjoy the fact that I can entertwine all my creative ideas into new projects!
My place of work? My garden, and the world inside my head where a lot of seeds to new work are nurtured and developed.