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When my friend Spark was publishing her second book: Do you remember me? it felt like that the process of creating books is a bit like giving birth to a child.
To be clear from the start, l haven't brought a real child into this world of ours, but of course have friends and family who have gone through this "process". Like my niece Vera who is the proud mother of this serene looking girl Linsey.

A new book, or any creative project for that matter, but I think books more so... start with the thought of wanting to bring this 'child' into being. The gestation period can be long, depending on the objectives and unforeseen obstacles. Bringing Hatched into the world took at least five years. The Cirrus Chronicles was a wish for a few years too. The actual conception took place in early 2009. The birth about nine months later. See books
The worries if it will be 'healthy', will it be beautiful, what will other people think of it, is it possible that it will be a miscarriage, or will it have a short life? Or will it turn out the way I'd hoped.
Seeing these 'children' for the first time is, I can imagine, like seeing your own child for the first time 'did I really create this beauty?'
My friend Anna said the other day when I mentioned my current writing project (shadows of an invisible octopus)- "I don't want to read it until it is ready to face the world- It is a bit like a new born baby- everyone tells you it is beautiful until they get used to it and think 'the nose is a bit big- or what about that funny colour of her hair..."
I understood what she was saying.
My latest book Flying-on-little-wings had a reasonably short gestation period. Although if I look closely the idea might have been lodging itself in my head and I wasn't fully aware of its presence- an unexpected pregnancy perhaps? Suddenly there is was, a new born 'baby'.
Some 'prospective babies' have been aborted along the way. They were not fit enough to live in the real world.
Now, after Flying on Little wings has made it's appearance known to the world, and well received, I have been ushered on, to 'clone' this latest child and bring forth many many more of it as replicas. Making the handmade copies (all orders to date are in post!) and working on the preparation of this 'cloning' (together with other happenings I can't write about right now) has left me without much energy- postnatal fatigue perhaps?
Back to Spark Deeley's book: This work of beauty is a collaborative project with her friend Catherine Cunningham. Catherine is a musician and wrote the song Do you remember me? Spark illustrated this song with her artwork. The book is accompanied by a CD. Taken in the light of today's blog- it is a set of twins! *
In May (or June) I will be taking part in a three person exhibition at the Cork City Library. Spark, Dermot O'Dowda - a Cork photographer who just published his 'baby' Visions of Hibernia- and me will be showcasing our 'babies'!
So now I will continue to rest and recover from the Postnatal Fatigue.
*As soon as there is a link to this book on Spark's website I will let you know. For now, see it here
Hope you will enjoy your baby as much as I do!
Thanks Vera, amd enjoying my 'baby' as 'she' receives such wonderful comments like 'precious' and 'beautiful'. Like your own litte darling. Her photo is still on my desktop as it is such a lovely contended baby.
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