Dear all,
I hope this finds you as well as is remotely possibly.
I am looking out at a gloriously clear winter sky with frosted plants and bronze coloured trees. How lucky I am.
Yesterday was one of those days when it was extremely clear to me that living with ME can present us with having to make really tough decisions.
There was a family gathering of descendants of my grandmother Keetje Kleijne. I had plans to go to Holland for this and to meet my niece Vera's first baby Linsey.

Also there was a months mind mass for my dear friend Paddy, see a very special man post. Friends had organised a gathering after the mass. I wanted to be there. I longed to be among his friends and family and join in, in celebrating the life that Paddy lived.
The reason why I decided not to go was to protect myself from the many flu and vomiting bugs that are doing the rounds around town...
A very tough decision. Even when I had decided not to go I still wondered if it was the right choice.
To be honest, I felt sad, very sad.
But... there is always a but...
Some cousins in Holland had created a direct link through Ustream so the cousins like myself who live abroad were able to at least view the happenings at the party. I saw, and heard, my brother Hans play with his band; I saw Vera and her baby Linsey, and saw lots of other people too and we managed to communicate via "texting" or whatever the word is.
So I was there in a way.
Then just before I was on my way to bed, two friends Mary and Margaret, who were behind organising the gathering for Paddy, came to visit to tell me how the night went. So again I was there in some way.
Pat Kiely showed a video of Paddy filmed during my book launch. (Hope to see it soon myself and share it with you here). The room where the gathering was had a fireplace in it which Paddy had made a long time ago. The pub owner told of memories when Paddy had set up a youth group in Lismore, he was one of the participants when a young teenager.
Happy thoughts. I am glad to have heard some of them.
So although I had to make tough choices, I felt included in both events.
Thank you all!
well said corina . the choices are so very difficult and can cut to the heart . but you, your family and your friends didn't let them . but used all that is available to make the very best of the situation. well done you all. you show Mr ME he can't really win !!! and the new baby is such a promise --
thank you di, that is such a lovely comment.
Hello aunt!
I know you haven't forgot about the Dutch language, but I decided to write this in English.
I really enjoyed reading about Linsey and myself on your website and to see her picture her proud grandpa send you. It was fun to talk to you and Joop this way. Linsey is doing great! It is a very beautiful and quiet girl. Most nights she sleeps 7 hours straight! She is already grown and changed a bit. I will send you a new picture. Thanks again for the presents! Hope to see you soon! Hug. Vera
Morning Vera
how lovely to see you here at my blog. What a wonderful little girl you have, and I look forward to meet her soon for myself.
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