Before I'll show you what I've been up to the past few days,
I would like to say happy birthday to Bob Dylan
He's 70 today.
This event brought me back to my16th birthday.
I was given an (old) single by Bob Dylan's
(to listen click on the link and, on then on the arrow on the album)
Remember the good old times of records and singles?
Corrina Corrina was the B-side of Blowin' in the Wind
What I had forgotten was the lyrics mention birds!!

Corrina, Corrina
Gal, where you been so long?
Corrina, Corrina
Gal, where you been so long?
I been worr’in’ ’bout you, baby
Baby, please come home
I got a bird that whistles
I got a bird that sings
I got a bird that whistles
I got a bird that sings
But I ain’ a-got Corrina
Life don’t mean a thing
Corrina, Corrina
Gal, you’re on my mind
Corrina, Corrina
Gal, you’re on my mind
I’m a-thinkin’ ’bout you, baby
I just can’t keep from crying
Copyright © 1962, 1966 by Warner Bros. Inc.; renewed 1990, 1994 by Special Rider Music
anyway.... this is what I have been up to the past few days.
Reacquainting myself with my garden and the birds.
No idea of the name of the shrub, but love the flowers
Strawberries in my 'greenhouse' awaiting for a bit of sun to bring out that
amazing mouthwatering sweetness.
Acrobatic sparrow. I took the picture through the window, so not so clear, but the fact that the sparrow on the bottom of the almost empty seed-ball-bag, is balancing herself with one leg stuck on the bag, the other one dangling in mid air.
so cute.
made me laugh.
busy times at the feeding 'stations'
and all the sunflower seeds that land in the raised bed, are eaten by the young sparrows, not yet able to balance on the feeders.
During this short journey through my garden, I was accompanied by the gorgeous song from a song thrush.
Lucky me
Still not on facebook, and doubt I'll get there in the next while,
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Thank you X
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