Robert Cat had taken on the idea that he is King in my house. Well, you might say, he IS a cat and you HAVE put him in a few of your books... Fair point. But, still I do not see why he has to take the fair share of MY bed, AND wake me up at 6am because HE is done sleeping and wants to go outside. HE perseveres... and perseveres some more until I take the one step to the bedroom window, and boy is he fast to get out as he knows I am FAR from happy.
One good thing is that I fall asleep again.
That is until King Robert wants to come in again and scratches at the window until I open it up for him. I sleep some more and end up with the weirdest dreams.
Want to hear some? well the other day I saw Mariela taking out my bones- to replace the bone marrow with decaying fish particles. I watched on and was kind of happy about it all as it was going to make me better...
Want to hear more?
Maybe some other time.
So. I got up narky- grumpy...
Then ... I did a weekly check in on Facebook and after I replied to the lovely responses- Thank you my dear friends- I looked at an Event Invitation from John (I think) and it was all about how Facebook changes their 'ways' and not tell us. I followed the clear instruction from the note and was 'happy'. Until I read something about 'business pages'.
I tried to visit my own book page.. the usual way, or so I thought. Facebook has decided to change THAT too!
I got really annoyed with Facebook again.. been there many times- They keep changing and I do not understand the changes, and neither do I really WANT to know, it was fine the way it was.
In the end thought Ok, this is it! I am leaving Facebook and concentrate on my beloved blog and as Adrielle suggested- try to get the hang of Twitter!

I have send an Event Invitation to my friend on Facebook and asked them visit me here on my BLOG or on twitter.
It is kind of hard leaving a group of people whom I got to know a little and whom have been supportive when times were bad (health wise) or by purchasing my books/art/cards.
I would like them - you- to stay in touch and there are a few ways in doing this.
- you can sign up via the FOLLOW button
- if I understand in correctly you can click on the RSS feed button on the right of the address bar,
- or the link at the bottom of this blog-page,
- or if you like I can have any new posts automatically forwarded to your email (for this I need your email address let me know here )
- or link up with me on twitter- on which I will forward any blogs I have written.
- and/ or- send me a link to your blog/website/twitter account
- and then again- you might have no interest to do any of the suggestions. :-)
As you probably notice- the grumpiness has not totally evaporated, but I am planning to it's disappearance with a bath and a movie afterwards!
Thanks for the visit my friends and I DO hope we'll meet again many times in the future.
Love to you all!
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