If you've read the book-baby blog, the suggestion would be that my books (or I) have entered the 'delivery room'. Delivery will take another ten days or so ... A slow birth, but hopefully a healthy one!
Body not really happy at the moment to say the least, but again I find healing in the nature.
This morning I saw a black cap in the garden.

Apparently they usually leave this Island of Ireland for the winter, but some stay over in the south of the country.... my garden!
I remembered the few crocuses peaking out there bright yellow heads in the front garden, so went out there with my camera. It's lovey to see their happy faces in amongst the dead garden debris.
While out there, I saw a magpie flying up to it's enormous nest in the trees on the other side of the field.
If you like to read more about book-babies- click here
And as always, love to hear from you here on the blog!
'Flying on Little Wings' has flown the nest - brilliant!
Your photos are great Corina. You must live in a beautiful, rural place.
How lovely to be able to see the results of all your work nearing completion . that must feel really good .remember ' on the seventh day god rested from all his work " make sure you do the same my friend.
Well thank you my dear friends, It is lovely to be cared for from the other side of the Irish Sea and "down under"!
I rested! and enjoyed the rest too!
Sue, (and Dianne) I was allerted a while ago that I appear on google-earth when they visited my town of Lismore. The other day I looked it up and "walked" all the way to my house. Here is the link. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=lismore+ireland&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=44.339735,75.585938&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Lismore,+County+Waterford,+Ireland&layer=c&cbll=52.13946,-7.926732&panoid=fo73txPy5CpMTnaUsGmPRg&cbp=12,263.59778199999994,,0,0&ll=52.139398,-7.927137&spn=0.000984,0.002146&z=19
if you turn around you'll see a silver car- in front of my house. ... before I got my hands on the garden. You can see the view that I have from my house and the pathway is the one to Ballynelligan. You can almost follow in cirrus' footsteps!
XX Hope you are both well!!!
ps, copy the link from the http:// to the number 19
I thought it would show up as a proper link but it didn't.
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