Hope this finds you well on this day of rest, and social connections.
Further to my last blog about the way people with M.E. use their creative abilities to make a change in their lived and in turn in the lives of their audience, I have two more projects I'd like to tell you about.
Cusp and Lee Lee's musical adventures, and Dianne Elton's involvement with the art in Second Life.

From Cusps' website I quote the following: Many many moons ago, my dear chum Lee Lee Ingram and I were saying how much we missed being creative and how much this illness gets in the way.
Ever one to grasp the nettle (!) Lee Lee said 'Why don't you write some lyrics and I'll put a tune to them'......and from that has grown a project which has now culminated in the formation of our band Dropkick and the release of our first track 'Trapdoor'.
They created this CD, a fun track playing homage to 70's disco, with the physical boundaries of illness and even living miles and miles apart (UK and USA) Have a listen, it will make you smile, and dance!
Watch it here on Youtube The release date for the CD and digital download is 28 November, but is already available on pre-order! See Cusp's website or here

From the University's SL Blog: The Freedom Project is a 2D/3D Art & Film Event organized jointly by the University of Western Australia, along with members of the Virtual Ability group, and the Centre for ME/CFS and Other Invisible Illnesses group in Second Life. We are calling for artists and film makers from all over the world who self-identify as having a disability or a chronic illness, to create an artwork or a film/machinima on the theme of ‘Freedom’, showing how virtual worlds have in some way helped them or those around them.
During the launch of the Freedom project, Dianne talked about what SL means to her:
"In my own case, being housebound, SL has extended my social world exponentially. I now have many friends right around the world. No longer able to attend art galleries, I was delighted to find I could come to UWA and enjoy stunning innovative art without leaving my bed. My illness has taken away many activities I used to do in real life but as I don't have to leave my bed, I can do things in SL including attending and facilitating bookclubs, meditation and guided relaxation sessions and I can even go dancing with hubby!
This is how SL gives me “freedom”. Freedom to be active within the limitations of my health. Freedom to interact with others from the confines of my house. I am really looking forward to seeing the artworks produced for this event and to learning how SL might give others "FREEDOM".
(The full transcript of the launch of this project and Dianne's talk is available on the University's link above.)
I hope you will have time and the interest to explore the work by Cusp, Lee Lee, and Dianne.
Again to me it shows the resilience of people who live with chronic illnesses, which so hugely impacts on their day to day living, to find ways to fulfill their desires. These are the people who inspire me, and no doubt inspire others.
ps. As I no longer have a Facebook or Twitter account (find it all too confusing...) but if you think this Blog deserves to make a presence there, please feel free to link it on your page. Thank you!