Life can be curious.
The past month or so, I have been rarely outside the door.
Twice to go to hospital appointments, once to the library, and once to Dungarvan, two weeks ago. An hour buzzing around on my scooter through two shops. Sitting in a cafe waiting for my lift to bring me home again, I had a great difficulty to walk from the chair back to my scooter. About six steps?
It had taken many false starts to actually
get out the door, so back on my couch at home, I was pleased I had done a 'normal' thing on a normal Saturday.
While in recovery mode, I received a message via Facebook from a lecturer at Nottingham Trent University to invite me to give a talk at a puppet festival in March ...
Sure! Great!
I nearly got up to pack my bags there and then.
The freedom of my mind... |
I did wonder if my brain - my mind - is amazing, or deeply flawed ...
Here I was, ill from one hour on my scooter, a total of about two hours outside my house, and yet I did not see any difficulty with the prospect of going to the UK. Or even to Canada next summer. Another invitation to talk about my puppets...
I know I can do it. I know I can go to the UK. It does however require a lot of planning.
I made it to the family reunion in
Holland during the summer. Tough on my health, but so worth it.
The journey the puppets are bringing me on, is just to amazing too dismiss.
Puppets, ME, Disability, health, are all part of my story.
Although I rarely get outside the door, I am reaching people far beyond my wildest dreams. As if the strings of the puppets are bringing me out into the world again.
* There are contacts with some amazing women who, behind the scenes, are making the experience of life with ME in today's Ireland to the people who need to hear it: Politicians, HSE staff. Researchers, Hospital consultants, OT's, Social Welfare, the public who still believes we are just a little tired...
I am in awe of the power of this very small group.
* Contacts too with other creatives, who encourage me to keep going. Who trust me to share with them the art of making puppets. Or trust in the creative process in general.
* Contacts with readers of my books. For example an email from a mother of a young woman severely ill with ME. .
.. As I try and motivate and stimulate K to use her sore eyes more, we started putting a new picture in her room each day for her to look at and enjoy. ... we have been using a new nature picture from the Into the Light box each day. Her favourite so far has been raindrops hanging from red buds. That one has stayed in her room well beyond its allotted day as she loves it so much...
* Contacts with puppeteers from around the globe.
* Being supported by friends and family in all sorts of kind ways. Touching each other's lives. Learning from our varied stories.
* And being invited for a radio interview with Bernadette and Stan Phillips on their World in View program. Exactly a year since the interview during the Dis ability ... This Ability Exhibition, which perhaps was one of those pivotal steps in my own adventures of stepping out of the disability/illness box with the help of my puppets...
Listen to the interview here
(about 15 minutes long)
And in the next few weeks there are more adventures, for which I do not have to leave my house.
- I have a meeting with Senator Grace O'Sullivan to talk about ME, Disability and Puppets. Grace gave a very passionate talk at the Dis ability ... This Ability Exhibition exhibition last year.
- On Friday 1st December Cora Fitzgerald's Cocoon Life Website will go live. And I have the honour to be their first guest with a (pre-recorded) podcast. 'Cocoon life is a website about inspiring Journeys, Life lived With Purpose'.
image /text for the Cocoon Life podcast recording
- Also on Friday 1st December, the special version of the Life Outside the Box will be screened on Irish National television. RTE 1 6 pm, during the People's Angelus.
- On the 8th December our puppet film will be shown during the Together! Festival in London.
- I will be going out to meet prospective new readers during the Villierstown Craft fair Sunday 26th November!
So, although life can be hugely challenging at times, it is also amazingly rewarding. And curious.
Thank you ALL for coming along on my adventures through life.
I could not have done it without you.
Don't forget the sale which is on at the moment on my website and at my studio.
And during the Villierstown Craft fair Sunday 26th November.
20% discount on books and prints during November, 10% during first two weeks in December.