Sunday, April 30, 2017

Responsibility and will power

We are not responsible for our illnesses, we are responsible to them.
Kat Duff - The Alchemy of Illness 

Morning all,

I hope this find you as well as well can be.
I am a little too tired to write much today, but I would like to leave you with a page from my book Into the Light to ponder over. And suggest some further reading, see below.

When illness 

we are often held 

as if we lack the
to recover

We should 
we are well

Thereby disregarding 
our reality

As if thinking
we can climb that stairs 

will actually get us there 

Further reading and links:
  • And as the top quote is from The Alchemy of Illness by the brilliant Kat Duff,  I would like to suggest that you head over to 'The Offerings from the Well Spring' - a wonderful blog by Therese Doherty who writes here about the Alchemy of Illness 

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